Maintenance methods of mountain bike

1. The speed change should be flexible. In particular, we don't often use the 1-speed and 2-speed conversion of dental disc. If something goes wrong in the mountains, going up and down the big slope is a headache.
2. Check the brakes. Check whether the brake handle is too tight or loose; Whether the brake line is loose, whether the brake line pipe is excessively bent or separated from the frame, whether the brake rubber strip is loose, excessively worn (excessive wear will damage the rim), and whether the clearance distance between the brake line and the tire is normal; Whether the braking stroke conforms to your habits. Generally, the stroke of the rear brake should be less than that of the front brake; Pay attention to stop in time for inspection and adjustment after a long downhill, because there is likely to be a problem with the brake at this time.
3. Tire problem. To go to the mountains, you should use mountain tires (more than 1 and 75), which has ensured the stability of riding. Friends who use the V-brake should pay attention to the inner tube and do not use the one with patch, so as to avoid the inner tube leaking due to the high temperature generated by braking for a long time.
4. Remove kicks and mud protection to ensure the safety of riding.
5. Pay attention to the routine maintenance of chains. The main maintenance items are cleaning and refueling. Every time you ride a dusty place, you should clean the dust in time; When the chain squeaks, it means that the chain is short of oil. Do not add too much oil. It is appropriate that the chain runs smoothly and there is no obvious oil stain on the surface.
