Correct riding method of mountain bike drift

1. Correct riding posture
The upper body leans forward, the head tilts slightly and stretches forward, the eyes look forward, the two arms bend naturally, the hands hold the handlebar gently and forcefully, the waist bows, and the feet do the vertical circular pedaling action to avoid the two legs swinging left and right, and the weight is evenly distributed on the hips, feet and hands.
2. Develop good pedaling habits
Many people are used to touching the pedal with the center of their feet, which is a very bad habit in the process of long-distance riding. The correct pedal method should be to pedal with the front foot. However, when riding for a long time, only one posture is very easy to cause fatigue, and the legs and feet are the same, so we should often change the way of pedaling. There are three main pedaling methods used by cyclists: freestyle pedaling, toe down pedaling and heel down pedaling. Among them, the most widely used is the free stepping method. The key point of this pedaling method is to contact the pedal with the front sole of the foot. The angle between the ankle and the lower leg varies with the position of the foot, and the direction of the force is consistent with the circumferential tangent formed when the pedal rotates. Its advantage is to reduce the range of motion of the knee and thigh, and the muscles can be relatively relaxed.
3. Uphill riding skills
Generally speaking, the short slope should be completed by accelerating the use of inertia up rush. The long slope or steep slope should change different gears and maintain a certain pedaling frequency and strength.
Uphill riding skills are mainly for long and steep slopes. When climbing a long steep slope, the rider's center of gravity should move forward, maintain a uniform pedaling action, change gears in time, do not pause, do not suddenly exert force, and do not get off easily. The timing of changing gears depends on the slope and speed. There are two principles for mastering the timing of gear shifting: one is to maintain the uniform pedaling force of the rider; the other is to slightly advance the timing of gear shifting. Don't wait until you can't ride and the speed drops completely, otherwise you will not be able to complete the action of gear shifting and be forced to get off. The steeper the slope, the lower the gear should be. In addition, the front and rear cars should not follow too close, because they will inevitably swing left and right when going uphill, which is prone to accidents.
4. Downhill riding skills
The safety factor when going downhill is very low, so the first criterion when going downhill is to ensure safety. In order to ensure absolute safety, first move the center of gravity backward and do the following: carefully check the vehicle, especially the brake, before going downhill to keep it sensitive and reliable;
