Advantages of belt driven bicycles, why is it a popular alternative to chains?

Advantages of belt driven bicycles, why is it a popular alternative to chains?

Everything you need to know about bicycle belt drive.

Belt drive is an alternative to traditional chain bikes. They have several advantages, especially for riders who don't have the time or inclination to maintain the chain.

The chain needs to be cleaned and lubricated regularly to keep it running smoothly and prevent rust. And it needs to be replaced regularly due to wear and stretch.

In contrast, belt drives require less maintenance and are not greasy, so they are less likely to stain clothing.

Here, we will explain what bicycle belt drives are, how they work, and the advantages and disadvantages of belt drives. We'll look at the options available and their use in e-bikes, and discuss whether a belt-driven bike is a good alternative to a chain drive when you're riding.

The belt drive uses a toothed belt instead of the usual bicycle chain. This does the same job as the chain, connecting the crank set to the rear wheels for drive.

Metal teeth similar to a conventional chain are mounted on a standard crank set, and the belt runs on a disk in the crank set. It is attached to a single metal flywheel at the rear that also has teeth.

The teeth of the belt are made of plastic and the belt is reinforced with carbon fiber to prevent it from stretching.

Most belts come in one piece to maintain their strength, but detachable belts joined with rivets can also be used.

Belt drive The belt of a bicycle needs the correct tension in order for the drivetrain to perform at its best and to avoid wear and tear.

The belt drive can be combined with hub gear (internal transmission) to provide a variety of speeds.

Low maintenance costs: Bicycle belt drives are essentially maintenance-free. They don't rust, they don't need cleaning, they don't stretch. They still need to be cleaned to remove accumulated dirt, but this is much easier than cleaning the chain.

Longer lasting: Belt drives are generally more durable than chains. Tern Bikes recommends belt drive for up to 40,000 kilometers of sustainable driving. In contrast, chains stretch and usually need to be replaced every 5,000 km or so to keep the drivetrain running properly.

Clean: No lubricating oil means that the belt drive is clean. There is no risk of getting bicycle oil and dirt on clothing, making belt drives a popular choice for commuters and recreational riders.

Fewer sharp edges: Dental discs and flywheels on chain bikes are sharp, as you'll know if you've ever hurt your leg with them. In contrast, belt drive has a smoother tooth profile, so you're less likely to cut yourself while maintaining your bike.

Light weight: Belts are much lighter than metal chains - belt drives are three times lighter than chain drives. Canyon claims the carbon belt weighs 87 grams, while the metal chain weighs 300 grams.

Quiet: If set up well and clean, a belt drive is quieter than a chain drive.
