Let me introduce you: summer riding, pay attention to these!

Let me introduce you: summer riding, pay attention to these!

Although the weather is getting hot, but the enthusiasm of riding friends, still can not be stopped.

While enjoying the fun of riding, you must protect yourself.

Summer riding, which measures can better protect themselves?

Riding time adjustment

As far as summer is concerned, the early morning, evening and evening are cooler and more suitable for cycling.

Uv rays are strongest from noon to afternoon (around 11 to 15 PM),

Heat stroke is most likely, so try to avoid riding during this time.

Cycling route selection

The cycling route should be arranged on the route with less traffic, flat road surface and shade along the way.

The trip should not be too long, about 100 kilometers back and forth is a more casual arrangement,

Choose a route with as many rest stops as possible.

Stay hydrated

Riding will sweat a lot, the body moisture loss is very fast, must be timely water. The total amount (about 100 kilometers per day) is generally 2000-3000 ml of drinking water a day in summer, which is the amount of 3-5 bicycle kettles (600ml).

Do not wait for thirst to drink water, because thirst has indicated that the body has been short of water, generally 15-30 minutes to drink 150-200CC of water (about a cup).

Our perspiration process will also take away part of the salt, in addition to water, but also appropriate to add a small amount of salt, potassium, glucose, you can choose to ingest some sports drinks, more conducive to physical recovery.

Not recommended drinks

1. Carbonated drinks:

Although such drinks can quickly take away a lot of heat in the human body, but due to the large amount of gas, after drinking some will have a sense of bloating, resulting in the false appearance of "already a lot of water", in fact, it is insufficient water.

2. High-sugar juice concentrate:

Such drinks are rich in sugar and have a high viscosity, and drinking a lot of them after exercise will cause gastrointestinal peristalsis to speed up and cause discomfort.

3. Cold drinks:

Large amounts of drinking after exercise can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, and serious cases can cause vomiting.

4. Alcohol (including other alcoholic beverages) :

On the one hand, alcohol can reduce people's exercise ability, including strength, speed, muscle endurance and cardiovascular endurance. On the other hand, the alcohol in beer will stimulate the kidneys to produce urine, accelerate the loss of water in the body and increase dehydration, and studies have shown that the body can lose 3% of its weight due to water loss within 4 hours after drinking.

5, strong coffee and tea:

Both of these drinks contain caffeine, which has a diuretic effect, and drinking large amounts of caffeine can lead to insufficient water replacement in the body.

Prevent heat stroke

When riding in summer, be sure to ensure enough rest, when you feel unwell, you should rest in time. In the process of riding, to control the speed, according to their own pace, should be arranged according to the physical condition of the appropriate amount of exercise.

Recommended anti-heatstroke medicine:

1. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water: If it is difficult to swallow, there are pills now, which mainly have the effect of reducing heat and detoxification, dampness and middle; It's terrible, but it's considered the best.

2, others: Xia Sang Ju particles, lower fire king particles, antiviral particles and chrysanthemum, honeysuckle and other boiling water brewing tea drink, has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of heat stroke.

Protective measure

◆ UV protection

Of course, sun protection isn't just for girls! On the one hand, minimize skin exposure, and on the other hand, apply sunscreen to exposed skin.

Sunscreen Choose a sunscreen for outdoor sports, and try to use spf30 or higher. Sunscreen products have a certain effective time, and will be lost in the process of sweating, it is best to reapply every two hours.

◆ External protection measures

Physical sun protection can be started with external riding equipment to minimize the exposed parts.

Cycling clothing: as light as possible, choose UV-proof fabric, breathable and absorbent; Quick-drying clothes, summer long-sleeved cycling clothes or sleeves + short-sleeved cycling clothes are good choices.

Riding glasses: Wearing riding glasses can effectively protect the eyes from sunburn, you can choose to wear UV400 or more riding glasses.

Magic bandana: Used to cover the neck and face.

Cuff cuffs, leg coverings, long-fingered gloves: Wear them if you don't want to get a lot of sunburn.
