Rules for safe cycling

Rules for safe cycling

Cycling must be safe, and there is no such thing as a cure for regret if there is a safety accident. So, for each of us, we must ride safely. In view of some safety problems in cycling activities, this "Safe Cycling Code" is formulated.

1. Principle: "unconditional threat assumption". That is to say, anything that moves or may move, you should consider it to be a threat to you and be prepared for that threat.

2. Protection: Dress professionally, no matter what. Helmet, riding clothes and riding pants are best. The main goal is to stand out from the crowd of cyclists, to get noticed, and not to confuse you with the kids who drive fast to school and cause trouble. Plus, a professional outfit will get you a lot of perks. Traffic police will stop cars and signal you to pass first, and even truck drivers will often slow down voluntarily, looking at you in a friendly way and getting out of your way. Remember, you must wear a helmet when riding safely! Otherwise, you are not allowed to participate in the cycling activities.

3. Lead rider: The leader of the cycling team shall set the lead rider. Responsible for controlling team cycling speed and rest time and place. The leader should fully understand the traveling route and ride at the forefront of the team. When passing a fork in the road, arrange teammates to stay behind and guide the way. Generally, he should stay at the turning junctions, but not at the straight junctions, and remind the team members on the downhill sections to control their speed. Lead riders are arranged by the organizer before each event.

4. Receiving team: At the end of the cycling team, a receiving team is set up. Responsible for the shelter of stragglers. The receiving team should fully understand the route, and all members who break away from the group and ride with the receiving team should obey the arrangement of the receiving team. The organizer arranges a collection before each activity.

5. Overtaking: In the mixed lane of motor and non-motor vehicles, if you are going to change more than 0.5m or overtake from the outside, be sure to look back and see the rear. Moreover, the amplitude of the back must be large, it is best to turn the whole upper body exaggerated. Not only will you be able to see more clearly behind you, but the most important thing is to let the drivers behind you clearly see your movements, so that they are prepared in advance (also pay attention to this when riding in a group, do not swerve, which can easily cause rear-end accidents!). .

6. Turning: If you want to turn, not only look back, but also use the turning sign according to traffic rules. However, it's important to make sure that nothing in front of you pops up or brakes as you turn! (And don't look back too long! Don't fall and you don't know. Also focus on keeping your balance and direction straight when turning back).

7. Intersection: Through the intersection, first look left and rear, there is no ready to turn right motor vehicle, motor vehicle drivers often can't think of your speed and ordinary bicycle is very far apart, always want to grab in front of you to turn right, and many drivers do not play the light.

8. The intersection on the right side of the road: the entrance of the community, the entrance of the work unit and the entrance of the alley on the right side of the road are far more dangerous than the intersection! Vehicles and pedestrians that suddenly burst out of these openings cannot be seen in advance because the intersection is too narrow. Through these intersections, you can only assume that there will be a sudden attack every time, and prepare yourself in advance (it is recommended that you ride on the left side of the road to give yourself room to react).

9. Reverse cycling, electric bikes: This is also one of the threats to safe cycling. There is no special way during the day, their attention to avoid. Headlights at night are the best way to deal with reverse traffic. The best effect is the flashing mode of the high-brightness LED, which will be uncomfortable for the eyes of people coming from the front, but not so hard to see the road. It's the light they need to get out of the way.

10. Leave a safe distance: When passing any stopped vehicle, always leave a safe distance of at least 1.5m. Otherwise, if someone opens the door... If the road is too narrow to keep a safe distance, slow down to less than 15km/h and observe the movements of people in the car through the window and the vehicle's reflectors (for stopping buses and taxis, be careful of passengers jumping out of the exit door!). .

11. Take care to drive slowly in urban areas: the traffic in urban areas is crowded and chaotic, so you should also be careful when riding. Try not to exceed 15km/h, because there are too many emergencies. Avoid motorways and sidewalks, drag racing, and stunts. It's dangerous. In crowded roads, you should observe the intentions of pedestrians and make early judgments, especially for children and the elderly, whose intentions are difficult to judge. The farther away from them, the better!

12 can not bury the security risks: remember to tie up the trouser leg or clamp, if involved in the tooth disk, pants hook broken is a small matter, buried security risks is a big thing! Don't wear headphones while cycling, as the wind can cause you to turn up the volume and block important auditory information, which is also dangerous.

13. Team cycling: Following the bike can save 30% of the energy of the team members behind. Generally, teams with good coordination adopt this cycling mode. Generally, one rider leads for a few hundred meters to a kilometer, and then the leader follows the group, and so on. In addition, according to the different wind direction, adopt the left or right following position, can maximize the use of the wind breaking effect of the head car. But the leading car must use hand signals to remind the following team members of the road ahead, so as not to appear dangerous.

14. Safe turning: When turning, keep the inner pedal off and keep your weight on the outer pedal. To safely turn a corner, stop pedaling as you approach the corner and keep the outside pedal facing down (if you are turning left, press the right pedal down; And vice versa). Step on the pedal at the same time, transfer the body weight to the outside of the body, and slightly lift the seat. Make sure the inner pedal is on to keep away from injury. In addition to lower the center of gravity, can be safe and handsome corner.

15. Essentials for safe riding: Wear a helmet and gloves. Uphill three points bitter, downhill seven points dangerous.

Master the road and get plenty of rest.

Meet the dog is not afraid, get off the implementation.

Pass the car in front and say "On the left!"

Front wheels. Don't touch the front wheels.

2 cars out on the ground, 5 cars down the hill.
