How to choose the frame of mountain bike

The frame is the soul of a bicycle and a very important component. A suitable and high-quality bicycle frame can directly improve the sense of riding and improve the cost performance of the bicycle. What should be paid attention to when selecting the frame?
Size problem of frame
The first key of the frame is its size. A frame must meet the height and arm length of a driver in order to be really suitable.
The frame with too small frame is easy to make the vertical pipe sitting rod too long in order to adjust to the appropriate height, so as to increase the strength risk of these parts, because the longer the exposure will lead to the longer bar effect. The sitting rod is easy to break and bend under the action of the long bar when falling, or even pry the frame, while the vertical pipe with too long length during bumping may also break, and these too long parts such as "vertical pipe" are easy to lead to the increase of weight and the decrease of rigidity, In addition, the problem similar to the sitting pole will also occur. Too long riser is also easy to cause the transverse center of gravity to be excessively located in front of the front wheel shaft, which is prone to the risk of overturning forward when going downhill.
Too large frame will also produce some negative problems. For example, the off-road vehicle with too short riser will easily tilt its head when climbing the angle slope. When the 580mm short handle is used, the front wheel moves too flexibly and is not easy to control. The sitting rod is too low and the whole is not beautiful. In addition, especially the off-road vehicle, the center of gravity before and after can not be adjusted more effectively when the high and low changes greatly in the hilly environment.
Type selection of frame
Another key point of choosing a frame is to use different types in a closed environment.
For example, highway or mountain frames used in climbing environment have high requirements for the rigidity and weight of the frame, so this type of frame must have round and solid risers and inclined pipes, the five links must be hard and the weight must be relatively light.
The frame used for flat ground needs better aerodynamics, such as flat water drop inclined pipe and riser. The weight of the frame is as long as it is not too heavy.
The frame used for travel also needs to consider the requirements of the frame for load-bearing and comfort, so the frame is not suitable to consider too light. The frame must be able to be installed on the rear shelf of load. At present, the most commonly used frame on the market is aluminum alloy frame, because it has better resistance to metal fatigue and elasticity.
